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Fråga Läst Betyg Besvarad Öppna Svar
How can I find address and telephone of a person I need? 14663 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Digi- ja väestötietovirasto (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Digi- ja väestötietovirasto is Lintulahdenkuja 2 00530 HELSINKI https://dvv.fi/osoitepalvelu
Voitteko yst. lähettää minulle kolmen eestiläisen pääyliopiston (Tarton yliopisto kärjessä)sähköpostiosoitteet luennoitsija tarjousta varten. 200 Viron yliopistoista ja muista tieteellisistä organisaatioista on koottu yhteystiedot sivulle http://www.etf.ee/taasutused/index_et.html , sivusto on sekä viron- että englanninkielinen.
Can u give the information about the "researchers dig into hell" which they heard a sound from hell. can you give me the information. Thank you. There's an… 854 Hello there! Because you know so exactly the name of the article you can give us little bit more information where you have heard about it. I searched with Internet search services and some other sources - no result. If I may say my opinion this "article" is more like a short story or novel than research or fact. Kind of a horror story If I may guess. So we here in the library try to search it from fiction shelves. Little bit extra information from your side couldn't do any harm. With regards Librarian
I am looking for the journal "Anarkhiia" (a.k.a. "Anarhia," "Anarchia" or "Anarkhia") publsihed in Moscow/Petrograd after the Russian revolution. Could you… 1064 Search on the union database of the academic libraries of Finland gives several matches with the search word ”anarhia” (transliterated according to ISO 9), but none of them would seem to be the journal you are looking for. For more information, please contact the department of Russian and Slavic materials of Helsinki University, called Slavonic Library (e-mail hyk-slav@helsinki.fi , www-address http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/english/services/collections/slavonic.htm ). On the telephone they told that they don’t have any old journal called Anarhia that would date from the period of the Russian Revolution of 1917. They do have two issues of Anarhia published in 1990-91 by anarcho-syndicalists in Petrograd.
I'm looking a magazine "Water Supply Vol.7 BARCELONA,PP149-154, 1989" .There is a artice "To remove the algae in the drinking water" -Reserch report in Finland 135 Hi Linda, At first I apologize, that it took so long to answer, but here's some information: At the Tampere University of Technology they have Water Supply magazine, so You can ask either your nearest library to make a interlibrary reguest (Phone number just for sure: Interlibrary services +358 -3 -3115 3133) or get in touch with Water Science & Technology (former Water Supply) magazine. Publisher's E-mail is publication@iwap.co.uk You find more information and online magazines also in page http://www.iwapublishing.com/template.cfm?name=iwapjournals but unfortunately they don't have such an old number in the net.
Do you have some kind of Inter Library Loan (ILL) system similar to the one in universities in Finland? For e.g. http://www.utu.fi/kirjasto/lomakkeet/illform… 737 Yes, we do have an inter library loan system - but, unfortunately, the inter library loan request form to be found in the web has not yet been translated into English: it is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you understand Finnish, you can find a suitable form at http://www.lib.hel.fi/ under the headings Kaukopalvelu - Kaukopalvelu henkilöasiakkaille. There you can also check the charges. Just to summarize the principles: - an inter library loan costs 0,80 e - if you live in Helsinki, there are no other charges if the loan is sent from Finland or other Nordic countries - if you are not an inhabitant of Helsinki, the charges depend on the sending library (from Nordic countries 8,50 e) - an inter library loan from outside Nordic...
What is Bertrand Russell's view of Religion? And what is his view of Christianity? Did Russell believe in religion and did he believe in God? Did he accept… 2434 You have asked us very demanding questions. Unfortunately as a public library reference enquiry we have neither time or capacity to give answers to these kind of large questions. The idea of our service is mainly to help in information search. You can start searching from Internet with some search service. Good one is http://www.google.com. I searched with words "Bertrand Russell" (note quotation marks!) and found a very useful Internet site to begin with http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/russell/ . There you find f.ex. books written about B.R.
What is the iso vihan aika? I have seen it mentioned many times in Finnish histories but it has never been explained. 707 "Isoviha" is the certain period in Sweden-Finland's history between 1700-1721. You can read more about Finland's history in http://www.finland.fi/finfo/english/
I would be grateful if you could let me know the main business magazines in Finland & if possible their website addresses. 598 It's recommended to go an have a look at the www-sides of Helsinki School of Economics and Business. There You can find their libarary journals database - the address is http://helecon2.hkkk.fi/journals/?lang=eng An other way is to go to magazine pages of Helsinki City Library: http://libpress.lib.hel.fi/search/index.asp?kieli=englanti and search by keywords like business or economics. There You find among others such papers or magazines as http://www.kauppalehti.fi/index2.shtml?http://www.kauppalehti.fi/doc/in… http://www.talouselama.fi/index.jsp and http://www.taloussanomat.fi/etusivu.asp All kinds of Finnish papers and magazines in Internet You can find in address http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/suoma/
Helsinki library plans (the lattest) 181 If you mean the future plans of Helsinki city library, perhaps the best information source is our library director Maija Berndtson, http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/kirjastotoimenjohtaja/ .
What is Finnish award,"Lion" with its origin & goal? 785 Here is some short information of the Order of the Lion of Finland: The Order of the Lion of Finland was founded on September 11, 1942. It was introduced in an effort to preserve the prestige of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, which could have been diminished if granted too frequently, and to facilitate the awarding of honours for various types of merit. The Lion of Finland is awarded for civilian and military merit. The ribbon for all classes of insignia is dark red. The classes of the Order of the Lion of Finland are: Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Lion of Finland Commander, First Class, of the Order of the Lion of Finland Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland Pro Finlandia Medal of the Order of the Lion of...
I'm searching for reference material on Sewage, concerning treatment methods, environmental implication and monitoring methods 658 There's a link from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's webbsite to the OceanPortal. The address is http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanportal/ When you search the sites using the word sewage as searchword, you will find several interesting articles on your subject. There are also some articles to be found in the Ebsco database that might be of interest to you, but I think you will find the links from OceanPortal superb. You can use the Ebsco database for instance in the public libraries in Helsinki.
I would like to find information on the Royal Family of Finland, like the members of the Family. 1394 Finland is a republic and therefore does not have a monarch but a president. Some people view the president as having a similar role in society as a king or a queen has in a monarchy. In case you are interested in the incumbent president, Tarja Halonen, and her family, you can find relevant information from the following web-site: http://www.tpk.fi/netcomm/ Finland was under Swedish rule for c. 700 years during which time the country was ruled by a monarch. In 1809 Napoleon and Tsar Alexander 1st made a deal in which Finland was taken away from Sweden and became a Grand Duchy of Tsarist Russia for a little over 100 years. From 1809 to 1917 Finland was ruled by a Russian Tsar. There was a monarchist movement right after the independence in...
'Utilization Public Library for Increment of The Children Reading Population' . I want the materials connected with the topic (Utilization Public Library… 594 I searched the material in databases called Manda and Linda. Here are some results: - Holstila, Marja Lasten tietokirjallisuus ajanmukaiseksi : kehittämishanke (2001) - Tuominen, Kirsti Children, libraries and information technology : results of user need analyses (1997) - Lapset ja aikuiset kirjastonkäyttäjinä Keski-Suomen läänin kunnissa v.1987 /[ julk.] Keski-Suomen lääninhallitus. Kouluosasto (1988) - Meidän luokka kirjastossa / [työryhmä: Raisa Alameri-Sajama ... et al.] (1996) - Lastenkirjastotoiminta Hämeen läänin yleisissä kirjastoissa vuonna 1988 (1988) - Eskelinen, Raili Yleinen kirjasto lasten lukemisharrastusten ohjaajana (1973) You can ask these books in your library. If they are not available there, you can make...
We are two dutch students and we are working on a project about Helsinki. We are looking for information on multiculturalism in Helsinki for the following… 166 Try the new finnish 'gov'-portal www.suomi.fi
I am looking for information about A. Alariesto, the artist from lapland. Is there any references about him in English. I am especially interested in the… 3791 Thank you for your question! A good connection for you is: riitta.kuusikko@rovaniemi.fi She has written a book about Alariesto and is working at Rovaniemi art museum. The book with English summary is Andreas Alariesto 1900-1989, Ars nordica 6, 1994 (951-749-208-1) You can leave your question also at the northern net information service Lapponica http://lapponica.rovaniemi.fi There you find also a data base where you can search about northern items by your self.
Could you give me any Internet addresses where I can find out more about the library legislation or regulations in Finland. 1083 You can find Finnish library act 904/1998 at http://www.minedu.fi/minedu/culture/libraries_gateways.html#LIBRARY ACT . This act concerns public libraries in Finland. About Finnish library system you can study from web-sites of Ministry of Education http://www.minedu.fi/minedu/culture/public_libraries.html and there you can find also some publications on Finnish libraries. Finnish library policy programme 2001-2001 is also readable via web as a summary http://www.minedu.fi/minedu/publications/librarypolicyprogramme.pdf . Also in this page http://www.publiclibraries.fi/index.asp and the Libray branch -page is worth knowing.
From MIchigan USA. I am trying to locate a long lost friend who was a foreign exchange student with me way back in 1979. . I have not seen him in 23 years… 1468 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Population register centre is Kellosilta 4 PL 7 00520 HELSINKI URL: https://vrk.fi/en/address-service A good way to find lost friends is the Facebook. You could also try there.
Can you help me find an antiquarian bookstore in Finland which specializes in astronomy? I am looking for a copy of the 1952 book AVARUUDEN VALLOITUS, by Willy… 297 I hope these websites will help you find the book you are looking for. http://www.antikvariat.net/ http://www.ursa.fi/english.html
Do you have a recipe or instructions how to make viili starter (pohjapiimä) from ingredients available in the U.S.? 287 In Finland there are two kinds of viilis:the short and the long one, which is more "stretching". For the short viili You can make the starter. Look at: http://www.home-media.com/camdenews/recipe.htm and http://www.futurefoods.com/ --->information sheet --->Ferments. But for the long viili it is more difficult. You could ask for more information from Valio. The Internet adress is: http://www.valio.fi/index.shtml